Books and Teaching

Our feature book is this new prophecy book by Pastor Larry T. Smith. The Author of the popular Bible Study, Rightly Dividing the Word, recently introduced this powerful end time book.

The Biblical Marriage Manual addresses the pitfalls of the 'slip knot' marriage vows that seem prevalent in our Western culture. Bishop Wade goes beyond the "he said -- she said" and looks closely at what He said.

There can only be one authority on the subject of marriage. If the Bible is not that authority then there is no hope.

Is Jesus Christ the reason for the season? Was Jesus born in December? Does it matter? Who was Saint Nicolas? Why December 25th? Why do some celebrate Christ Mass on January 6th?

Bishop Wade went looking for answers and he found more than he expected. The results will surprise most readers.

The New Israel ... A Destiny Enjoined
Bishop Wade is determined to bring revelation from the pages of Holy Writ to life. If you want to get truly excited about the power of the Word of God and wonder about the self appointed prophets who offer their prophecies, this book is for you.

Was Hal Lindsey right? Is the World coming to an end? Is there really a GREAT TRIBULATION? How many spirits does God have? Who are the 144,000? Who are the 12 tribes? What do the 7 seal mean?

Seed of the Serpent
Authored by the late DR. C. E. George this book deals with a subject that few have been to school to learn about -- Serpent Seed Doctrine. Many notable Christian leaders have believed the tenets of this false doctrine. Few men have been capable of discussing the subject. Dr. George will answer your questions.

Proceeds from this book will go to Dr. George's widow: Sister George

Suggested Donation:10

By: Pastor John Pollard. Subtitled, "From the altar to our eternal home." The late Bishop Pollard sought to help members of the body of Christ on their pilgrimage to eternal life.

As Pastor of the Apostolic Lighthouse Church for half a century, Bishop Pollard draws upon his extensive experiences in the ministry, counseling, etc.

This is an excellent resource for every child of God.


For more information email us, or write to us at SET FREE MINISTRIES 1598 Gills Ridge Road, Bedford Kentucky 40006