Bishop Cornell, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ and Apostolic Faith Church of God

How sweet and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity

In 1932 a young couple from Indiana went to the west side of Cleveland Ohio to begin a work for God. The late Bishop and Sister Cornell would see that work blossom and literally thousands of people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ because of their ministry.

To the right is a brochure picturing the Cornells and heralding their 18th anniversary of the church.

The Pentecostal Assemblies of Jesus Christ (PAJC)
With a vision toward fellowship three men formed an alliance and recharted the PAJC. The three men were Bishop Ray Cornell, Bishop C. B. Gillespie and Evangelist Carl Angle. Together the three would build a international ministry that still exists today.

Our own Bishop Wade is heir to this legacy. His pastor, as a child, was Bishop Cornell. Bishop Gillespie was his great uncle and Bishop Carl Angle a dear friend.

His father, Bishop Sanford L. Wade, was an Elder in the PAJC and an Elder in the Apostolic Faith Church of God.

Numerous ministers have their roots in this church. Only heaven can tell those whose lives were transformed by this work of God.

National Conventions
In 1936, the Apostolic Faith Church of God purchased an old factory building. This building converted to a beautiful church would seat 2500. In this wonderful building the power of God met so many.

The National Conventions of the PAJC was often held at this site, 2050 W. 55th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Bishop Cornell and the church family were marvelous hosts. Every day of the convention they would serve breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Before dinner the congregation would often sing the hymn, "Come and Dine".

Sister Lois Wade was the head cook. She and many other wonderful men and women of God did their 'ministry' in the kitchen at Apostolic Faith Chruch of God.

The Message

The preaching at Apostolic Faith Church of God was simple. The same message that Apostle Peter preached on the day of Pentecost (Acts chapter 2): Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

The atmosphere of the church was a huge family where love was the cornerstone.

This page dedicated to the memories of all the saints of the Apostolic Faith Church of God. IF you have photos, testimonies or other input contact us.